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BSR neighborhood day with bulky waste and Verschenkemarkt, 29 of May, from 1 to 6 p.m.

Drop off bulky waste, collect found items: Bring along broken and old things, big or small, and dispose of bulky items for free, almost on your doorstep. You can give things in good condition to the BSR people for the swap and give-away market. Anything left over at the end of the day can be returned to the re-use cycle. Including in the NochMall, the BSR second-hand department store.

The following can NOT be handed in: Old tires, varnish, paint, construction waste, batteries, old medication, contaminated wood.

🗓️ When: Wednesday, May 29 from 1 - 6 p.m.

📍Where: In the courtyard and on the street at Schoelerpark

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