“I once lived here. In the middle of the ice age gully. And then came the money. Then came the millions. And it came like this...” - From the glaciers of the Ice Age to the millionaire farmers of the Wilhelminian era to the present day. The vanished Wilmersdorfer See invites you on a journey into the shared history of man and nature.
The artist Alisa Tretau has developed an audio walk for the Volkspark Wilmersdorf. Information is available at eight different locations. Together with Alisa, we invite you to take a walk. At the end there will be coffee and tea in our garden.
🗓️Wann: Friday, May 31 from 3 - 4.30 p.m.
📍Where: In the park, meeting point in our courtyard, in front of the bicycle workshop
📌 Important: Please bring your smartphone and suitable headphones.