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The bicycle workshop


If your bike is broken, has a flat tire, or the luggage rack rattles loudly , don't worry! Come and see us. In our workshop you can get your bike repaired for free. We provide instructions and tools.


Contact Theo or Gunnar about the bicycle workshop.


Our bicycle workshop is open every Saturday from 12 to 5 p.m.
Other appointments are sometimes possible by arrangement.

Menschen reparieren Fahrräder
People repair bicycles
Tools for bicycle repair

Bicycle workshop





Contact us:
Haus der Nachbarschafft

Straße am Schoelerpark 37

10715 Berlin

030 86 39 44 00

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 12 - 6 pm

Office: Monday - Friday 1:30 - 5 pm

Bicycle workshop: Saturday 12 - 5 pm

Wood workshop: Thursday 4 - 6 pm

Sewing workshop: Wednesday + Thursday 4 - 7 pm

Supported by:

senatsverwaltung für arbeit soziales gleichstellung integration vielfalt und antidiskriminierung
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