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Salsa aerobics, Thursdays, at 6.15 pm

Ready for a rousing mix of dance and aerobics? 💃🏻🕺🏼Entdecke the world of salsa aerobics with Raquel ✨This fun and fitness activity is perfect for anyone who wants to move to the sounds of South America.

Raquel will get you sweating with a combination of dance moves and exercises as you move to energetic music🎶 No matter what age - there's something for everyone here dabei💪🏻

Warm up, practise your steps, have fun, get in a good mood 🚀

Just come along and experience the joy of exercise and fitness.

🗓️Wann: Thursdays from 6.15 to 7.30 pm

📍Where: in big room

🖊️ohne Registration


Contact us:
Haus der Nachbarschafft

Straße am Schoelerpark 37

10715 Berlin

030 86 39 44 00

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 12 - 6 pm

Office: Monday - Friday 1:30 - 5 pm

Bicycle workshop: Saturday 12 - 5 pm

Wood workshop: Thursday 4 - 6 pm

Sewing workshop: Wednesday + Thursday 4 - 7 pm

Supported by:

senatsverwaltung für arbeit soziales gleichstellung integration vielfalt und antidiskriminierung
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