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Mobile bureau: Help with applications, Mondays from 12 to 4 p.m.

Once a week, the mobile typing pool comes to us at the Haus der Nachbarschafft and offers help and support with applications, the preparation of official procedures and other written processes.

📋 This includes:

- Reading and understanding forms and applications

- Filling out forms and applications (please bring the applications with you)

- Reading out correspondence and understanding texts

- Writing letters

- Sorting papers

- Finding advice centers

Pension information and tax returns are not part of the service.

The mobile typing pool is a free service offered by agens. The staff are trained to help people with reading and writing difficulties.

Without registration

📆 When: Mondays 12 - 4 pm

ℹ️ Info: 030 / 530 833 71


Contact us:
Haus der Nachbarschafft

Straße am Schoelerpark 37

10715 Berlin

030 86 39 44 00

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 12 - 6 pm

Office: Monday - Friday 1:30 - 5 pm

Bicycle workshop: Saturday 12 - 5 pm

Wood workshop: Thursday 4 - 6 pm

Sewing workshop: Wednesday + Thursday 4 - 7 pm

Supported by:

senatsverwaltung für arbeit soziales gleichstellung integration vielfalt und antidiskriminierung
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